Employment law has many facets and sub-areas.
Individual Employment Law covers the relationship between employer and employee, employment contracts, employment, wages and job classifications, dismissal, illness, industrial accidents, protected employees, discrimination, (un)fair competition, night work, platform economies, privacy…
In addition, independent forms of cooperation, international employment, secondment, supplementary pensions, temporary employment, well-being at work, working hours, commercial agency…
Collective Labor Law includes the legal rules for collective relations between employers and employees, including those laid down in collective labor agreements (CAOs), at the level of the company, the Joint Committee or the National Labor Council.
This also includes relations and negotiations with the social partners (trade unions), right to strike, mergers and business takeovers, due diligences, franchise agreements, social elections, GDPR…
Social criminal law ranges from advice on the powers of inspection services, assistance with inspections by social inspection services, assistance with interrogations (as a suspect), violations of the Social Criminal Code, to representation in criminal proceedings at criminal courts, mediation at Labor Auditors, administrative fines, Codex Welfare at Work, heavy industrial accidents, human trafficking, human smuggling, illegal employment, social dumping…